2015 ETS Board Elections

Due to the exiting of Bertrand Lenoir / France and Andrea Amaldi / The Netherlands from the ETS board, a ETS board director position was up for election at the 13th European Confernece on Thermoelectrics held in Dresden / Germany on June 28 – July 02, 2015. The successful candidate was:

Dario Narducci / Italy

He accepted the election and was elected treasurer for the term of 2016 – 2018.

2014 ETS Board Elections

Due to the exiting of Eckhard Müller / Germany, Lasse Rosendahl / Denmark, Janusz Tobola / Poland from the ETS board, three ETS board director positions were up for election at the 12th European Confernece on Thermoelectrics held in Madrid / Spain on September 24-26, 2014. The successful candidates were:

  • Franck Gascoin / France
  • Krzysztof Wojciechowski Poland
  • Eckhard Müller / Germany

All candidates accepted their election.

Foundation of the Italian Thermoelectric Society AIT

After a constitutive meeting in Padua already on February 19, 2014, the “Associazione Italiana di Termoelettricità” (AIT) based in Milan was officially founded on June 26, 2014. The inaugural meeting was attended by six founding members: Umberto Anselmi-Tamburini, Alberto Castellero, Matteo Codecasa, Dario Narducci, Giovanni Pennelli and Andrea Tona.
At the „Third National Congress on Thermoelectrics (GiTe2015)” (the first under the aegis of AIT) in February the process of foundation was completed. As of today, AIT counts 22 members, who formally elected the President and the General Secretary along with the Executive and the Steering Committees. Initiatives have been undertaken to advertize the AIT within the Italian community and to promote thermoelectric research and technology in Italy, as well as to improve collaborations nationwide and at a European level.
The society management is composed as follows:

  • President: Dario Narducci
  • Secretary: Monica Fabrizio
  • Executive committee: Umberto Anselmi-Tamburini, Alberto Castellero, Matteo Codecasa
  • Steering Committee: Andrea Tona, Umberto Anselmi-Tamburini, Matteo Codecasa, Alberto Castellero

