On August 8, 2017, the 2nd Stuttgart Workshop on Thermoelectrics (SWT2) took place at the Institute for Materials Science of the University of Stuttgart / Germany. The follow-up event of last year’s SWT1 featured 20 oral and poster presentations and attracted more than 40 national and international participants from universities, research institutes and industry revealing the growing popularity of the conference. Topics span the whole range from basic research of common and novel materials through metrology to application.
The workshop itself was framed by two tutorials given by Prof. Dr. Terry M. Tritt from Clemson University (USA), a worldwide leading authority in the field of thermoelectrics. The two lectures titled “Overview of Thermoelectric Phenomena and Applications & Selection Criteria for Good Thermoelectric Materials” and “Bulk Thermoelectric Materials Measurements: A Look Behind the Curtain” offered valuable insights in the technology for both non-experts and specialists.
Due to the growing success with the scientific community this conference format will be continued. The next workshop in this series (SWT3) already planned for August 2018 will even broaden the range of topics to semiconductor basics and photovoltaic converters. Stay tuned to the “Phonons meet Photons Workshops”! Please send an e-mail to Dr. Wenjie Xie for further information.
More details, pictures and slides here.