The 15th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT2017) was held September 25-27, 2017 at the A. Luciani” Padua Congress Centre, Padova / Italy. A total of 181 (oral and poster) papers were presented at the conference, which featured over 200 delegates. The first day of the ECT kicked off with a presentation by Claudia Felser (Director and Scientific Member at […]
The International Conference on Organic and Hybrid Thermeoelctrics (ICOT2018) was held January 29 - February 1, 2018 in Valencia / Spain. Organizers were Andrés Cantarero (University of Valencia) and Xavier Crispin (University of Linköping). It was the second edition of this conference format dedicated to the scientific exchange on organic and hybrid thermoelectrics aiming to strengthen their competitive position. Topics included molecules […]
The Materials Science and Engineering Congress 2018 (MSE) was held September 26 - 28, 2018 in Darmstadt / Germany. The congress promoting networking and exchange of ideas and know-how in the field of materials science and technology has been hosted already for the sixths time now. With more than 1,400 participants from 50 countries and 1,070 contributions, MSE […]
The 16th Interstate Conference “Thermoelectrics and their applications - 2018” (ISCTA 2018) was held October 08 - 10, 2018 in St. Petersburg / Russia. The conference was attended by 167 participants from 13 countries featuring 58 oral and 56 poster presentations. A particular focus was on the young scientist section. University researchers, graduate and postgraduate students specializing in thermoelectric […]
The ECT2019 was held September 23-25, 2019 at the St. Raphael Resort in Limassol / Cyprus. The conference was organized by Prof. Dr. Theodora Kyratsi from the University of Cyprus. Programm and pictures of the event can still be viewed at
In light of the cancellation of spring / summer conferences due to Covid-19, we are planning to host a Virtual Thermoelectric Conference (VCT2020) to allow members of the thermoelectric community to share their most recent research. The meeting will be held online from July 21st - 23rd 2020 using the Zoom platform. To give visibility […]
1st Online Workshop on Sustainable Thermoelectrics The 1st Online Workshop on Sustainable Thermoelectrics will be held June 29, 2020 on ZOOM. Resilient energy conversion technologies and the related materials resources are required in times such as the corona crisis. It reveals the ever-increasing dependence on international supply chains. Local and autarkic power technologies would be a […]
Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University
33 Krupnicza Street, Krakow, Poland
The ICT/ECT 2021 Scientific Committee are inviting you to actively participate in ICT/ECT 2021 conference in Krakow which will be a unique occasion for the exchange of views and experiences in the area of thermoelectricity (theory and modeling; physical phenomena; new materials, measurement techniques; thermoelectric devices; systems and applications). We look forward to receiving abstracts for consideration and inclusion in […]