The 16th Interstate Conference “Thermoelectrics and their applications – 2018” (ISCTA 2018) was held October 08 – 10, 2018 in St. Petersburg / Russia.
The conference was attended by 167 participants from 13 countries featuring 58 oral and 56 poster presentations.
A particular focus was on the young scientist section. University researchers, graduate and postgraduate students specializing in thermoelectric energy conversion made 19 oral and 21 poster contributions. The best young investigator presentations were honoured with special awards.
The conference proceedings will be published in the „Journal of Semiconductors” in 2019.
This biannual event was first organized in former Leningrad (St. Petersburg) / Russia in 1985 as a forum of the thermoelectric community of the then Soviet Union. In the post-Soviet era the conference series evolved into a meeting place for scientists from the Independent States of the former Soviet Union. Today, the conference provides a forum on thermoelectric materials and technology for the whole international thermoelectric community.